Whether with supervisors, colleagues, employees or customers: Effective communication is an essential key to your professional success. You may know this:
- thought is not said
- thought is not heard
- heard is not understood
- understood is not agreed yet and
- agreed is not implemented yet
Coaching based on the communication model
If you want to motivate employees or convince customers, then your language becomes a success-critical factor. This is especially true in change processes.
In my coaching I use amongst other things the communication model of Prof. Schulz von Thun, who differentiates between the four sides of a message (factual content, relationship, self-disclosure, appeal). Especially in critical business situations it is important that you pay attention to these four sides / aspects of your “message” and use them consciously. You practice this as part of my communication coaching.
In addition, I work as a coach with elements of transaction analysis. Transactional analysis helps to understand why some disputes always seem to follow the same pattern. Together, we reveal which “conversation patterns” you prefer to use and how you can successfully develop them further.
What you’ll lean in communication coaching:
- Consciously pay attention to the four sides / aspects of a message
- To work on your language, gestures and facial expressions (if desired with video feedback)
- Purposefully give your message a spin
- Learning to deal with “difficult” interlocutors
- To argue convincing
As a management coach I know typical topics around “communication” with supervisors and employees from my own “manager life”. So I do bring not only my tools but also my knowledge of experience in our coaching. I support you in strengthening your communication skills. Together we work out suitable ways of communication for you.
Meine Ausbildung
Mehr zu mir und meiner Erfahrung finden Sie hier.
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Ich freue mich über Interesse an Coaching in Köln. Sie erreichen mich unter +49172-6478000.
Das Coaching Köln führe ich an folgenden Standorten durch:
- In meinen Coaching-Räumen: Lindenstraße 43, 50674 Köln, 0221 29861442
- Im Rotonda Business Club, Salierring 32, 50677 Köln
- Vor Ort in Ihrer Klinik
Hans-Georg Lauer
Tel.: 0221 29861442
Lindenstraße 43,
50674 Köln
Hans-Georg Lauer
Tel.: 0228 85041537
Rüngsdorfer Straße 1a
53173 Bonn